The Role of the Governing Body
The Role of the Governing Body
The Governing Body of the School has a strategic and supportive role. We work in close partnership with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of the school and staff.
As a governing body our core functions are:
Working with the headteacher, to establish the strategic direction of the School by:
Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school
Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets
Meeting statutory duties
Ensuring accountability by:Appointing the headteacher
Monitoring progress towards targets
Performance managing the headteacher
Engaging with stakeholders
Contributing to school self-evaluation
Ensuring financial probity by:Setting the budget
Monitoring spending against the budget
Ensuring value for money is obtained
Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed
At Robins Lane, we do not operate Governing Body subb-committees. Instead, we meet as a full Governing Body each month.
Some governors also have a link role with subjects/aspects and meet with staff throughout the year for informal discussions about the subject/aspect, reporting back to the Governing Body.
Governors are responsible for the recruitment and appointment of the Headteacher and are involved in the recruitment of staff. We also support the school from time to time in less formal ways by having a presence in the school and attending events throughout the year.
As governors we are expected to conduct our business in a professional manner and to maintain and respect confidentiality at all times. We have thus adopted a Code of Conduct and operate within agreed Standing Orders for the Governing Body.