Primary Admissions

Reception Admissions

Children can start our Reception class in the September, following their 4th birthday. For example;

Child's age

Admission date

Turns 4 on, or before, 31st August 2024

September 2024

Turns 4 on, or before, 31st August 2025

September 2025

Turns 4 on, or before, 31st August 2026

September 2026

Applying For Reception

Applications open in the September before the admissions season. For example, for admissions to Reception in September 2025, the applications window will open in September 2024. The deadline for applications is 15th January.

Our Published Admission Number (PAN)

Our Reception class has a maximum intake of 30 children.

For further information about applying for Reception, please visit

 or click on the documents below.

Extended Provision

At Robins Lane, we offer extended childcare provision to support our families;



Breakfast Club


£5.00 per day

After-School Club


£10.00 per day (option for a shorter session until 4.15pm at a cost of £5.00 per day)