SMSC and British Values

At Robins Lane Primary School we actively promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all our children. This is done through establishing our strong school ethos which is supported by  a clear set of personal, social and learner values – our WINGS. 



Never Give Up


Strive to Succeed

We ensure that children have strong understanding of, and exposure to, diversity and British Values within and beyond our curriculum. We use class assemblies to promote and develop SMSC and British Values provision. To support this, we susbcribe to Picture First News, where we are to discuss, and reflect on, world and national news. 

At Robins Lane, we use the pneumonic 'I Really Do Matter' to support, and promote, undertsanding of British Values. You will see this displayed within all classes. 

I (individual Liberty)

Really  (Rule of Law)

Do (Democracy) 

Matter (Mutual Respect and Tolerance)